The questions:
- What is Crunch?
- Crunch is a system of Fortran programs and Unix shell-scripts.
The aim is the automatic solution of the phase problem in single
crystal X-ray diffraction.
Given the measured intensities and the usual data such as contents
and dimensions of the unitcell, in general Crunch will successfully
determine your crystal structure for you.
- Why the name Crunch?
- This is not an acronym based on something like Comprehensive Retrieval
of Unlikely Natural Compounds' History but rather a vivid description
of the effect of the software on the phase problem.
- Is Crunch designed for equal atom structures or not?
- Crunch is designed for solving the phaseproblem in difficult small
to medium sized equal atom structures (N<200). However, the system may
be used for heavy atom compounds as well. The method is a multi-solution
one, the number of trials needed for a simple case is usually very small
(< 5).
- Is the installation of Crunch difficult?
- Installation is automatic. You just need to answer one or two
questions regarding your local setup. Follow the instructions given in
the Howto file. Note the current version (1.0) no longer requires the
presence of the Dirdif
program suite on the computer you'd like to use Crunch on.
- During compilation I get warnings. Is this bad?
- Yes, this means I've been a bit sloppy here and there. However, I have
not met with any problems due to these inaccuracies.
Not yet anyway. I aim to clean
up the software before posting the next version.
- Is there or will there ever be an MS-DOS version?
- The limitations of Dos and the amount of work involved in
maintaining a system like Crunch for different operating systems have
forced me to limit my support to one operating system only: Unix.
As you may have noticed I do support different platforms, including
on the PC.
- When I install the program suite and run it the first time
on the test structure nothing happens. What did I do wrong?
- Probably everything went perfectly well. Default the Crunch
procedure runs in the background. As a result no messages appear on
the screen while the program is running. Also, on modern fast computers
solution of the test structure is so rapid that Crunch may be finished
before you had time to type "ps". Check the nohup.out file, the hits file
and the file.
- I don't understand the difference between the try, collect and recycle commands.
- The option "try" will start the system until in a certain cycle the
solution is found. It then stops and the resulting files will contain
information corresponding to this solution. By default Crunch will try
10 times, if you want more or perhaps fewer trials specify the values
for "start" and "end", according to the example given in the manual.
- The option "collect" will start the system and go through all
cycles you have specified. It will NOT stop when a solution is found.
After this run you can pick the best solution by hand looking at the
hits file. For actually getting this solution run the system again using
the "try" option and specify the number of this specific cycle. For
example, if you first gave the command "crunch ccode collect 1 100" and
you feel cycle 67 might give you your structure, run the system again
with "crunch ccode try 67 67". The files obtained will contain
information on cycle 67.
- With the "recycle" option you could also try to sort of "shake and
bake" cycle 67 if this cycle yielded the best result but no direct
solution. With the command "crunch ccode recycle 67 77" you select cycle
67 as the start of a recycling procedure with 10 cycles maximum.
- What is the largest number of reflections I can put
into the program?
- This depends on the amount of available RAM specified during
installation. In principle, there is no limit as all memory allocations
are dynamic within the RAM available to the program. However, certain
compilers will not accept array dimensions above a particular limit.