Disproportionation of Rh-II(cod) to Rh-I(cod) and Rh-III(cycloocta-2,5-dien-1-yl): Hydrogen atom transfer vs electron and proton transfer
Hetterscheid DGH, de Bruin B, Smits JMM, Gal AW
22 (15): 3022-3024 JUL 21 2003

One-electron oxidation of [(dpa)Rh-I(cod)](+) yields [(dpa)Rh-II(cod)](2+), which reversibly binds dioxygen. In solution [(dpa)Rh-II(cod)](2+) disproportionates to [(Hdpa)Rh-I(cod)](2+) and two isomers of [(dpa)Rh-III(cyclooctadienyl)](2+). This reaction proceeds most likely via abstraction of an allylic hydrogen atom by the Rh-II metallo radical.